미세먼지관리, 특성화대학원


Graduate School

Graduate School
for graduation
Master's Doctoral Master's and Doctorate Integrated
Course credits per a subject : 3 credits
Course registration Minimum: 3 credits / Maximum: 12 credits
Credit Approval Only GPA 2.0 / 70%(c) or higher are recognized as credits received.
Credit Requirement 24 credits or more(thesis submitted)
B grade(GPA 3.0, 80 %) or above
36 credits or more
B grade(GPA 3.0, 80%) or above
54 credits or more
B grade(GPA 3.0, 80%) or above
Requirements for graduation Track course Requirement Complete one of Big data convergence AI track and Smart measurement and analysis track
Research Performance - At least 1 article published at KCI-listed (candidate) or higher journals as a lead authors
English Exam
Eligibility :Students enrolled (Exemption: for international students, or students who have achieved TOEFL IBT 76 or higher, or TOEIC 700 or higher, submit their report cards within 2 years to the department office at the time of the exam)
Exam period : in April or October every year
Pass Score : Minimum 60% score Pass Score : Minimum 70% score Pass Score : Minimum 70% score
Major Exam Eligibility : 12 credits or higher, GPA 3.0 or higher
Exam Subject : 3 subjects
Pass Score : 60% or more in each subject
Eligibility : 24 credits or higher, GPA 3.0 or higher
Exam Subject : 5 subjects
Pass Score : 70% or more in each subject
Eligibility : 27 credits or higher, GPA 3.0 or higher
Exam Subject : 5 subjects
Pass Score : 70 % or more in each subject
Exam period : in May and November every year
Thesis Prerequisite : completed 24 credits or expected to complete the semester Prerequisite : completed 36 credits or expected to complete the semester Prerequisite : completed 54 credits or expected to complete the semester
(However, the English test and the major qualifying test must be passed first before submitting the thesis.)
Class Year Limit 2 years (4 semesters) 3 years (6 semesters) 4 years (8 semesters)
Enrollment Year Limit 5 years (from the date of admission) 8 years (from the date of admission) 10 years (from the date of admission)
  • ※ For more details, please refer to the detailed regulations of the Graduate School Regulations and Enforcement of School Regulations.
  • ※ The academic schedule is not announced individually, so please be aware of the schedule on the web site to avoid any difficulties in the academic process.

Global Graduate School

Global Graduate School
for graduation
Course credits per a subject : 2 or 3 credits
Course registration Minimum: 2 credits / Maximum: 9 credits
Credit Approval Only GPA 2.0 / 70%(c) or higher are recognized as credits received.
Credit Requirement 30 credits (not submitted a thesis) / 24 credits (submitted a thesis), with an average of B grade(GPA 3.0/80 %) or higher
Requirements for graduation Track course Requirement Complete one of Big data convergence AI track and Smart measurement and analysis track
Major Exam Eligibility : Register for 4 semesters at least, acquire 18 credits or more, GPA 3.0 or higher
Test subjects : 3 subjects / Passing score: Each subject – 60 % or more
Test period : in April, May, October, and November every year
option English Exam Pass (optional – required for thesis submission)
Eligibility: Enrolled students / Passing score: 60 % or more
(Exemption: for international students, or students who have achieved TOEFL IBT 76 or higher, or TOEIC 700 or higher, submit their report cards within 2 years to the department office at the time of the exam)
Exam period: in April or October every year
Thesis Pass (optional)
Prerequisite: completed 24 credits or expected to complete the semester
(However, you must pass the major qualifying test and English test first before submitting the thesis)
Class Year Limit 2 years and 6 months (5 semesters)
Enrollment Year Limit 5 years
  • ※ For more details, please refer to the detailed regulations of the Graduate School Regulations and Enforcement of School Regulations.
  • ※ The academic schedule is not announced individually, so please be aware of the schedule on the web site to avoid any difficulties in the academic process.
특성화대학원, 미세먼지관리